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Tuesday 7 June 2016

16 weeks! Baby, body, time!

So I haven't written a blog post in a long time! It turns out having two children is bloody hard work!! Eben is now 16.5 weeks old today and he just has his vaccinations today 🙁. So I think our main struggle is bedtime and the fact that Eben hates (hopefully hated bottles!). Bedtime wasn't too bad whilst it was dark but now the evening are getting lighter it's harder to get both my boys down to sleep. It's hard to have routine as well when some days Reubies at nursery or his Nannas or my hubby is playing football or band practising. When we're having a good night Eben is asleep by about 8.30 and so is Reubie in his bed, then at about 3am Eben wakes for a feed and Reubie comes in bed with us and there's four in a bed! On a bad night there's 4 in a bed at 8.30 and Eben decides he wants to feed hourly!
As I said earlier Eben has been refusing bottles. I was hoping to get him to have one as I had a night out about 2 weeks ago now and was going to be away from him for 8 hours. Well I went out and Eben wouldn't take a bottle and spent the night screaming! We had tried tommee tippee closer to nature (which he fed from for a few occasions at around 6 weeks when I was exhausted) but he refused them, he also refused Avent, cheapo ones from poundland (Reubie used to love the cheapo ones! They have a super soft teat!) and we tried one we found in homebargains that Ican't remember the name of, the tiny premise cow and gate ones designed for newborns and Mam. He sort of seemed to like the cow and gate bottles but not enough to have more than a quarter of a bottle and they only hold 2 ounces! After my night out I stopped trying for a while as I thought it didn't matter if he wouldn't take s bottle as I wouldn't be leaving him again. Then the other day I realised its only 10 weeks until I'm back to work! So yesterday I got out the Mam bottle and tried it again and to my surprise he drank 3 1/2 oz! So my top is have your baby not on you if possible and facing away, I have him on a bouncy chair. I definitely recommend Mam bottles you can sterilise them in the microwave so fab if your going away as uou won't have to lug a steriliser away with you! Tonight was nearly as successful as yesterday. I got hubby to try and Eben decided to scream! I took over and breastfed him until he was settled and then snuck the bottle in and it worked! He took 2oz with hubby some how tgrough all the crying and another 3 from me! And currently as I type he's back on the boob do I'm hoping he's fed well and may sleep for a longer stretch than usual tonight!
Now at 16.5weeks since giving birth in definitely getting out more, we go to baby massage every Monday and in a Tuesday when Reubie goes to my mums Eben and I often join them but we walk the 4 miles there! I'm trying to lose my last bit of baby weight and I'm not very good at not eating chocolate so I'm trying to walk more! I lost a stone just giving birth and another in the following 2 weeks but the last stone was proving impossible but slowly but surely is coming off I've got just over half a stone to lose, it's not really about the weight though I just want to be able to wear all of my nice clothes!

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