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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

What to buy a new mother

So my newest tiny human is nearly 6 weeks old and it's been the hardest work having 2 children! I take my hat off to single mums and families with more than 2, I really don't think I could cope with any more, 2 is definitely hard enough for me. Eben has been feeding constantly and only really settling to sleep on me, which is hard work. I've been using my sling a lot to get things done around the house and I'm trying to take him out in the pram so that he's not permenately attached to my boob. in the last couple of days I've managed to get him to sleep in his pram for a couple of hours at a time so I feel like hopefully this is a break through! Any how I thought I'd write a post about what gifts a new mum really wants! I know people love to buy clothes and toys for babies and I've loved all the gifts I've been given but the best gifts I have been given haven't really cost anything just time.

So if you know someone who is due to give birth soon by all means buy them something pretty and cute for the baby but also consider the following:

  • A cooked dinner. Something like a cottage pie, a lasagne, basically something that can be reheated or frozen and ideally is large enough that there are leftovers! Having said that finding it hard to ever have my hands free I would even have been grateful for some sandwiches! They're easy to grab and eat when you only have one hand free whilst you're trying to feed a baby. Or order them a takeaway or buy some ready meals that can fill the fridge or freezer. Food will always be happily received.
  • Offer to babysit. I don't mean the newborn as until the babies older it's unlike to settle easily without its mum and mum won't relax imagining her baby screaming! But if you can take away any older children it will give mum, dad and the new baby quite time to bond together. It also means a fuss can be made of the older children who probably feel a bit put out and would like some attention.
  • Do their laundry. This is something that when you offer to do it will probably be declined. My lovely mother in law offered and we declined but luckily for us she was persistent and made us fill a bag for her to take away. So be persistent and keep asking I'm sure the new parents want to say yes but just don't want to put you out!
  • When you visit be the host. Offer to make tea etc and if you're feeling especially lovely do a bit of washing up or whatever needs doing in the kitchen whilst you're in there!
  • Look after the newborn at their home. As I said earlier mum and baby won't want to be far apart but there are things she may want to do without having a baby attached to her like have a bath or a nap. So offer to go over for a couple of hours so mum can have a break.
With all these suggestions keep asking and offering, and sometimes don't take no for an answer! I know I find it hard to ask or accept help but sometimes need it.

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