So my gorgeous new tiny human Eben is now 3 1/2 weeks old and other than having a bloody annoying sore throat that won't go away I'm actually feeling like my normal self! But if someone had told me 'don't worry you will feel normal again' in the days after giving birth I wouldn't have believed them! I was in a lot of pain. Mu first being a premmie maybe made the pain less or it could have just been that survival having to get on with it thing that meant I didn't notice the pain? Any how this time I felt it! I had to have 2 stiches due to a second degree tear this time whereas last time I had a graze. Both are painful but the stitches being on the outside probably make them slightly more painful. When I posted ion instagram about the pain from stitches I got lots of helpful tips, so for those mummies suffering or for those who maybe giving birth soon try these!:
* Lavender and Tea Tree oil in the bath, first put the drops into a small glass of milk as this helps the oils to disperse in the bath rather than sit on the top and evaporate. I used about 5 drops of each.
* Try to bath twice a day and let yourself air dry down there, it's good for your stitches to be as dry as possible to heal. I know this is easier said than done with post partum bleeding but if after your bath you can lie down on a towel on your bed for just 15 minutes it will help.
*Take painkillers, Paracetamol and Ibruprofen are fine to take and both together if needed. Just remember when you take them, I suggest writing it down as my brain definitely turned to mush for a few days and they work best when taken continuously.
* You could try using Sudocrem or another barrier cream such as Weleda Calandula Nappy Change Cream (which you could then use for your baby when you no longer need it). it maybe better to wait until the post partum bleeding stops or eases off. if you're feeling constipated it may also be soothing for your bottom!
Weleda Nappy Cream
* I was also recommended Arnica tablets, which help with the bruising down there.
* Going for a number 2 definitely helps ease the pressure down there and the first time you go can be scary! Until I went for a number 2 which was actually quite soon after giving birth I felt a lot of painful pressure in my bum! It felt almost like I had given birth from my bottom! As soon as I went that pressure/ pain did ease. If the constipation is bad you can take a laxative but check with your midwife/ doctor or pharmacist first as you don't want to take anything that may effect your baby through your breast milk.
* I didn't try this myself but another recommendation was putting your maternity or sanitary pads in the freezer as the cooling effect helps to soothe.
* Some hospitals provide rubber rings to sit on, so you don't have to put any pressure on your stitches. Mine didn't but I've been told you can also get them from your local NCP centre. I found I was ok once I was sitting it was just the moving around and changing of positions that hurt.
* For the backache and the afterpains (which get worse with each subsequent child) I used feminine heat pads as well as painkillers.
I think that is everything I can think of! Please comment below if you have any tips to share. And remember the pain won't last forever. I would say after one week there was significant improvement but I won't lie that week was awful being so tired and in so much pain all I wanted to do was sleep but I had next to no sleep due to breastfeeding. I can see how for some the pain and tiredness can be too much and bottle feeding means that they can rest and their partners can help with the feeding. I'm really glad I stuck it out though as there are so many benefits to breast feeding.
Here are some photos taken in the last few weeks, looking at your baby always makes the pain more bearable! follow me and my boys on instagram