It's getting closer and closer to my return to work date. And now I've finally sorted out with work what role I'll be returning to I'm feeling quite excited about it! I have worked for the company (a well known food on the go retailer) for 9 years! And for I think 5 of those years I have been a shop manager. I really love my shop and colleagues and the job it's self, I love the interaction with regular customers and feeling like a part of a community. I'm going to step down on my return to a senior sales role and only work 16 hours a week. I used to do 37 hours a week so I think it will seem quite strange going back and working so few. I'm hoping that less hours and less responsibility will mean life is less stressful. Our income will be significantly lower but hopefully our quality of life will be better! My boys will be a nursery for 2 days in the week and at my lovely mums for one day. So hopefully as I'm not working so many hours I'll have some time to myself after I've done my housewife duties! It's a bit sad but I'm actually looking forward to being able to give the house a good clean and tidy! At the moment I have to wait until Eben wakes from a nap and is happy so I can leave him on a play May to play whilst I wash up or put the washing on the line! I can't do anything whilst he sleeps as he feeds from me to sleep and then usually wakes if I move! - I really need to break this habit! I'm hoping that a new routine will emerge once I'm back at work that will enable a better nap routine and bedtime routine. I think my only worry about returning to work is Eben not taking a bottle! I've tried every bottle we've had most success with the Mam bottles but he's very inconsistent and usually drinks less than an ounce! Hopefully he'll take a bottle from one of the nursery nurses!